Monday, December 12, 2011

Disney or Universal

We ususally go to Universal but i think i would like to Disney again we will be bringing 14yr,two 13yr,12yr,6yr i love bothe places but we always do Universal and i want to get the 4day hopper w/plus pack what do you think we were going to ask the kids which won but i know they%26#39;ll all say Universal

Disney or Universal

Well, if the kids are into the ';thrill rides only'; then they may be disappointed somewhat in the Disney parks. They simply don%26#39;t have the big thrill rides Universal has.

That said, the Disney parks are all unique within themselves. There is much more to them than rides, and the shows are pretty much all spectacular.

For children that age, I%26#39;d suggest Epcot and MGM Studios to begin with, then Animal Kingdom and finally Magic Kingdom. The two waterparks and Disney Quest would probably be a big hit with the kids too.

Here is a website where you can do some research on all that%26#39;s Disney. Check it out and see if you can find enough for them.

Disney or Universal

Hi Poker,

I have 4 kids, similar ages to yours. They would all say Universal too. It is just more fun for them now that they are older. But, I still enjoy Disney, and I enjoy something in every park!

Here is what we have been doing: Go to Universal for 2 FULL days. Then go over to Disney for 3-4 days and go at a slower pace. We go to one park during the day, then to another at night (funny how we always end up in Epcot at night....must be the beer!!)

This way we still have a little bit of a relaxing vacation. All that full time park hoping gets exhausting!

Have a blast!


This is why we will be at Universal (in less than 2 weeks). My kids and hubby wanted no part of Disney! I love Disney, but they have had enough and want only Universal. To mix it up, we are going to Busch Gardens, which we dont usually do.

If you go to Disney%26#39;s website, they have a section that divides up the attractions, recreation, etc. by child ages, so you can get a list of things that are truly teen and pre-teen appropriate and figure out whether your children will be interested. I think a lot of it depends on the kids. Some are in it just for the thrill rides and some are in it for the complete immersion experience. Universal has the thrills, but Disney has the total experience down pat.

wait a minute--no real thrill rides at disney? how about the new expedition ride at animal kingdom? i won%26#39; t ride it, but i understand it goes downhill backwards fast, and is quite a wild ride. animal kingdom is cool and different, and has the water rapids ride, and a dinosaur coaster, and a cool lion king show.

and mission space at epcot? talk about thrills (another one i won%26#39;t ride). and soarin%26#39; at epcot is very cool.

mgm has stuff happenning too. prime time cafe is always funny for kids and grown ups--ever been there? tower of terror, rockin roller coaster....

and magic kingdom has space mountain, splash mountain, and other classics.

if you want to do disney, i vote for disney. theres plenty of new stuff, and some good rides.

have fun!

Why not do a mix of both and make everyone happy.

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