Monday, December 12, 2011

Disney-Specific Forums

Does anyone have recommendations on good Disney-oriented forums that we can use for Disney research?


Disney-Specific Forums

Disney-Specific Forums

As a forum, this one%26#39;s not half bad.

I second that Eddie LOL

The is a very active forum but the information isn%26#39;t really any better than you will find here unless you have an unusual question. I%26#39;ve used this forum alot but sometimes you need to not get your feelings hurt easily. Sometimes the Disney fanatic that hang out there get a little cranky with questions they feel are asked too often.

If you are using for your touring plans, the forums there were very nice and helpful. I%26#39;m not currently a subscriber but we used it alot prior to our last WDW trip. has active boards, as does I have used both home sites for gathering information but have not used their discussion forums.

Your in the right place Reston!

can be a bit clique tho!

All of the above.

If you join Tourguidemike (which I loved-well spent $20 ) I think that it is by far the most pleasant, Disney specific, forum.

That being said, Tripadvisor is my travel bible for destinations world wide.

I don%26#39;t think it gets any beter than right here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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