Monday, December 12, 2011


We have travelled to different part of the Carabeans and are thinking that maybe the Keys would be a great spot to vacation. Thinking of mid March. How would the weather be then? We are avid snorkling so wondering if there is an area that would be better for snorkling? Anywhere you can snorkle right off the beach? Or do you always have to arrange a snokling trip?


Mid-March is not bad, weather-wise but the water might still be a bit cool. No to do ing any serious snorkeling off the beach as there is simply nothing much to see. There is a snorkeling trip overview here which gives you an idea of what type of trips are available, and if you don%26#39;t make it to the very end, try to find a trip to Sand Key. The overview does not include a trip to the Dry Tortugas which many people really like but which is expensive.鈥?/a>


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