Thursday, April 1, 2010

2 questions regarding age/queues....

I have a couple questions...

1.I am 24 and going alone for a week.Will I look like an idiot walking about and dining myself ?

2.How long are the queues,for the Incredible Hulk in Universal for example, in late August. ?


2 questions regarding age/queues....

No. You won%26#39;t.

A lot of people come to town and go to conventions alone. They also dine alone and go to the parks alone after meetings. A lot of people (like me) go to the parks alone just to relieve the daily stress. You can meet a lot of interesting people, and you can do things on your own time schedule. It%26#39;s great!

I would say medium wait times for the rides in late August. Late August is still very hot, but the crowds start going down as the children start going back to school. There is a big crowd the weekend before Labor Day (first Monday in September), but that%26#39;s the only real crowd spike late in the summer. Of course, you won%26#39;t know the actual waiting time until you get to the park.

2 questions regarding age/queues....

You%26#39;ll look no more an idiot at the parks than anywhere else -- it%26#39;s unusual to solo at the parks, but certainly not unheard of. There are enough people about ( and enough involved with their own groups) that no one will likely even realise you%26#39;re on your own. (You%26#39;ll also find that solo riders are very common -- groups very often split up so everyone can ride their favourite. Solo riders also sometimes board faster -- some rides have a separate line for solos, so that they can use the solos to fill in any empty seats -- if a family of 5 gets into a 6-seat compartment, they%26#39;ll pull a solo rider to fill the seat)

You%26#39;ll also likely never see anyone what they think is of little importance!

The length of the queue is hard to tell -- it%26#39;s more a function of how well the ride is functioning (not usually an issue) and how many people are in the park.

Late August is not a high-traffic time, though, as all the kids in the US are back in school -- so I%26#39;m guessing the wait won%26#39;t be too bad.

Not only will you not look stupid, but you can have a great time. Solo trips can be fun because there is nobody to disagree with your choices on what to do.

Usually, the single rider line is short and you will be paired with someone. So, you still get to share the experience, with another person.

I have gone to SeaWorld alone many times. I actually prefer it. I love to hang out near the Walrus and watch him swim. Believe me, my husband and children do not want to spend a half hour staring at a Walrus.

Since you are 24, you may enjoy Pleasure Island and/or CityWalk. It is a fun nighttime party spot. The comedy club, Adventurers club are tons of fun and you do not need to have a partner to have fun. We go to Pleasure Island with friends a lot, and my husband will hit the dance clubs, while I head to the Adventurers club. Alone. And I always have a great time.

No prob going on your own at all! And as you are on your todd, you can hit the %26#39;single rider%26#39; queues which are much less than the regular queues!

Hi VacationerUK,

I have been on quite a few vacations solo for several reasons. either my sister can%26#39;t get the time off, or no-one else can afford it.

I%26#39;m in my 50%26#39;s and divorced, so I%26#39;ve grown to love it. When you are solo, you will notice people with small kids, crying and exhausted, or larger parties who may be at odds for what to do and in arguments. If you walked up to any one of those stressed out people and said,'; who wishes they were here alone';...a ton of people would raise their hands. I do not mean this in a disrespectful way to any family or group, but solo travelers notice a lot. It%26#39;s great fun to get up when you please, eat where and when you please, and not having to discuss anything. It%26#39;s a very luxurious way to travel.These parks are so immense, that no-one will ever give you any notice. I realize that life is different when you%26#39;re 24, and if you%26#39;re uncomfortable dining alone, stick to the the ';better'; take out or counter stuff. As for the nightcubs, go and have fun, nobody will know you%26#39;re alone, and if some guys do...hey ,they love it because they can ask you to dance without having to do the ';walk of shame'; in front of your girlfriends, if you turn them down. (some one my friends and I used to ';pretend'; we were alone for that very reason, and it works)! Believe me, you will have a great time. It%26#39;s a big world and 99.9% of peolple are much too wrapped up in their own stuff to care what you%26#39;re doing. I even posted a special thread once to encourage people to line up ';single'; for shorter wait times. Have a fabulous time on your ';most excellent adventure.';...Nancy

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