Saturday, April 3, 2010

Vacation in September-help needed

Hi all, we%26#39;ll be coming over for a vacation to Naples for 2 weeks at the beginning of September, and we have a couple of questions?

1) is Naples as relaxed as the rest of Florida? For example, are shorts acceptable attire for the majority of places?

2) after hitting St Petes for a few years, we are after somewhere a bit quieter, I assume that Naples will fit the bill.

3) Is it worth spending that bit extra to stay at a Hotel on the beach, or are we better off moving inland a bit and getting better value for money?

Thanks for all your help in advance, and here%26#39;s to our 9.5 hour flight in September.

Vacation in September-help needed

You may want to check on the current beach conditions around Naples. There has been a red tide outbreak. It sort of moves around a bit but Vanderbuilt Beach was one of the ones badly affected.

Saffys-mum should have on the spot info for you. You can also try and for local Naples news. When I checked today I saw nothing about the red tide in the area and the beach cams showed emply beaches, but at least you can ask before booking.

Vacation in September-help needed

Just so you can floow, here%26#39;s the website for water conditions:

Just click on the blue header ';Red Tide Current Status'; and the most recent data will pop. Last post date was July 7 and it is usually updated once a week.

sigh.... that word was supposed to be %26#39;followed%26#39;

I promise I will someday learn to type.

Ft. Myers Beach is clear of algae and no red tide

Thanks for the info, when staying at St Pete%26#39;s we would almost always get reports of the red tide, but never really saw it. Don%26#39;t want to tempt fate, but a bit like hurricanes, it%26#39;s too hard to predict.

Fort Myers would be another option. We just want somewhere laid back where if you are wearing a certain attire people wouldn%26#39;t care.

I just got back from Naples Sunday night and the red tide had come to Vanderbilt Beach earlier in the week. We went to Naples Beach without a problem. I would imagine it will work it%26#39;s way down eventually. The red tide had been in Ft. Myers before it reached Naples but seems to be gone from there as a previous posted stated. Perhaps or at least hopefully it will be gone by September.

Naples is a very relaxed area and yes, I notice many people wearing shorts in reataurants. I%26#39;ve never been to St. Pete%26#39;s but Naples is very quite. No problem there.

As for hotels, well I%26#39;ve never stayed in one since I have a home there but September will probably still have reasonable rates so I might opt for the beach front hotel just for the luxury of not having to drive to the beach if going to the beach is what you desire.

Cheers to your long flight! I am going to Italy in October and I%26#39;m dreading those 8 plus hours.

Enjoy Naples!

Thanks Mama924, have you been to Europe before?

Hi Kev,

You%26#39;re welcome.

No, this is my first time to Europe and I%26#39;m crazy excited. It was a last minute decision when I was researching for a visit next year and noticed Alitalia was having an airfare special. We just booked it and went from there.

Please enjoy your stay in Naples and if you have any quwstions I could help you with, please feel free to ask.....mama

Well, you will absolutely love Italy. Some of the friendliest people around. Just be warned though, it is quite expensive, and this coming from someone who lives in the UK. So bring plenty of money. But you will absolutely love it there.

I also am considering a week vacation over Labor Day weekend and the week following.

Aside from the red tide, what will the weather be like?? Will it be totally oppressive? (heat and humidity)

Thanks for the info


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