Thursday, April 1, 2010

Moving to Boca Raton area, good idea for us?

We are a family of 5 with three children ages 8, 5, and 2, moving after many years living in South America back to the US (originally from US). We are searching for an area that will be safe, have a good public school system, and nice community feel in which to raise our family. We do not like cold weather and are familiar with Florida and have always enjoyed our visits there. I have visited the Boca Raton area lately and it seemed to be a nice place to live. The real estate prices are high but acceptable for us.

We have heard from Jupiter to Fort Lauderdale is nice, but most people that I have spoken to rate Boca as more suitable for what we are looking for. I would appreciate any opinions that you may have regarding Boca and the surrounding areas.

Thank you very much in advance for any assistance.

Moving to Boca Raton area, good idea for us?

Where to begin...

Boca Raton is sort of like a gem amongst a bunch of gaudy plastic custom jewelery. Not a great gem, by any measure, but a in-the-rough kind of gem. The cities and towns, or two, on either side are nice to visit, and if need be, clap politely with their accomplishments (';great going Delray on that %26#39;All American%26#39; award; too bad about the race riots';), but nearly everything is almost always better in Boca.

Boca is a fairly safe town, compared to neighboring cities. A police blotter is available on the Palm Beach Post website. Another blotter is available in the on-line version of the Boca Raton News. Crime data for 2004 is available here: (the caparison function is interesting).

Boca schools are amongst the top rated in Florida. All but one received an %26#39;A%26#39; rating on the FCAT standardized testing. I would bet they will have that rating corrected if your kids get to that grade level. School grades can be found here:…

Boca communities have the typical East coast community mentality – “these people got past the community review board, paid the association dues, earned the mortgage, and have a working remote/card for the gate, they must be neighbors (maybe in a few years we will introduce ourselves to them).” This might be a bit disconcerting if you were expecting close, friendly, concerned and supportive neighbors (but I suspect you%26#39;ll get over that ideal, eventually).

Here is the Boca Raton Wiki:,_Florida

Warning: For the humor impaired – humor was used and/or attempted in the preceding paragraphs. Your failure to find humor is not the responsibility of the poster, the website operator(s), or any other entity. Upon your continued failure to find humor in this posting please be advised to carefully re-read the posting, then, if need be, soak your head in a bucket of cold water, have a nice lie down and forget this posting ever existed. Thank you.

Moving to Boca Raton area, good idea for us?

Syro.....very funny....:).........moving to Boca, bring lots of money and you better play tennis, its the law!.......

Stryo and Bubba thanks for your replies! I have researched a lot of areas and the answer keeps coming up Boca. I appreciate your input and suppose I%26#39;d better learn to play tennis.....

Thanks again.

Look at Coral Springs as well- I taught school there for years- schools are good- lots of parental involvement- very family oriented as well.

Thanks again for everyone%26#39;s posts! It is very nice of you to take the time to reply.

We have been recommended by others such places such as Sarasota and Naples. But I understand that both of these are more for retired folks and as a young family not a good fit for us. I will take your advice and check on Coral Springs too.

Thanks again everyone.

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