Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cost of a pint ?

How much is the average cost of a pint in International drive ?

Cost of a pint ?

You will find quite a few postings on this one

have not been since last november but prices then had risen from year before especially in the english/irish pubs on I Drive these places are a rip off try and find a sports bar off I Drive if possible we overheard a row last year with an american out of towner who was shocked at the price this bar was charging for a local beer.

Imported beers cost more as you would expect but expect to pay around $4-5 for a pint it pays to go further out even by taxi and you can get a bud for $2

hope this helps

Cost of a pint ?

Probably between $3 and $5 depending on where you go and what type of beer. Guinness will be on higher end (at least $5). Many places serve pitchers of beer (60 ounces, I think)...usually more economical.

Go to the Supermarket, you can get a 12 pack of good beer for 15 bucks.

how about a 6 pack of root beer? and some ding dongs


I%26#39;m on a diet, and that sounds really good.REALLY..REALLY!

i cant wait to try ding dongs, twinkies, milk duds, and any other candy that has sugar flowing from the sides. god bless america


May I recommend Hostess Snowballs? They are chocolate cupcakes w/creme filling/covered in marshmallow and rolled in coconut. Also, put malted milk balls on the list.

If you can find cream soda, it%26#39;s even better than root beer (if you can imagine it). Just a few reasons why the dentists over here are rich! God bless America is right, but don%26#39;t sell yourselves short with your fabulous Twinnings Blackcurrant Tea (by appointment to her Majesty Queen Eizabeth II). Best tea ever. God save the Queen, and while I%26#39;m ';off topic';, do you think she will ever let Charles take over while she still has breath in her body?...Have a wonderful trip, and don%26#39;t forget to brush your teeth abut 5 times a day!!

dont know about charles taking over just yet not really paying much attention to all that!!. how about sweet tarts are they a dentists nightmare too?? or shall i say dream??


You are a riot! Ok, here I go. Sweet Tarts are sweet and sour fruit flavored candies that melt in your mouth. they taste similar to chewable baby aspirin (which I used to fake illness for).

These lovely confections have some close ';relatives'; called %26#39;Pixie Stix'; which are in a long straw, and are the same thing only in powdered form. I have to tell you a funny story about these things. When we were little (circa 1957), cigaretts (sp) were 28 cents, and since my friend%26#39;s mum had a charge account at the corner store, we charged 28 pixie stix thinking she whould never catch on (wink wink/nudge nudge..sayyyy no more). She did!! Good old Mrs. Okeefe gave us HELLO!

moose some of your expressions are very english are you an expat??????????????? ';you are a riot'; very common east end of london!!

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