Saturday, April 3, 2010

Funny Stories

Hi all,

Im enjoying your posts alot. Hoping to go back to Disney in 2007 if all goes well. Was wondering if anyone had any funny vacation stories to share. Thought it might be fun to share them. Thanks!! Disney Dreamer Greenfield, NH

Funny Stories

Ok Dreamer, I%26#39;ll go first.

I went to MGM by myself in 1996, and fell in love with Tower of Terror. so the next year, I brought my older sister with me, and PROMISED HER that the people that you see falling and hear screaming weren%26#39;t real. Just a Disney trick. We were ages 47+49. Ok, we got off that thing, and she was in shock.

anyway, we went for a drink, and she said,';Why? why Nancy why';? So I asked her if she remembered the time we were on a ferris wheel, back when SHE had the guts, and we stopped at the top..and she rocked the thing and made me cry.The whole time she called me baby she said she did ';sorta'; remember, and I told her PAYBACK IS A BI%26amp;%26amp;%26amp;. Yeah, baby..I waited 40 years,and it was worth it!!!!

Naughtie Nancy

Funny Stories

Too funny!!

My story is probably not all that funny, but it was amusing at the time.

We took my 14 mth old daughter and son to Disney in 1991. Whilst looking around the Christmas shop she picked up a large tree ornament without us knowing - we were in the car park before we realised she had it clutched under her ';sammy'; dog (a cuddly toy that went everywhere with her) - should we return it, or keep it? What would others do?

A few days later she managed to grab a cuddly toy dog - we put that back before it was notice, but not before she had managed to give the nose a quick kiss!

Fortunately her life of crime did not progress any further!


Dare I ask if a certain ornament hangs on your tree every year? Certainly you can answer, if the entire forum knows that I almost caused the demise of my only sibling :+))).....I personally think it%26#39;s adorable.

Sorry about the misnomer If-only...OOOPS!

Yes the ornament has pride of place on the tree and has every year for the last 14 and will continue to do so - beginning to look a little the worse for wear but would not throw it out as it has such memories - every year we retell the story of how we acquired it to anyone who comes to the house!

My story just makes an a*s of myself but here you are.

It took me quite a while to notice the Chrysler 300 I had rented for the two weeks had a parking brake down at my feet. A little teensy pedal to push when getting out of the car. I guess its just so the car does not roll down the hill. It took a very embarassing moment for me to find this out. I was using the ';P'; to hold the car still. It seemed to do the job.

Whilst getting out of the car around 4 days into the trip I must have pushed it slightly with my foot but had not noticed. I had noticed because I did not know it was there. Later when driving off in the car, the car warned me the brake was engaged by flasing and beeping a red BRAKE thing on the dash. Of course, brains myself figured there was something wrong with the brakes so had Dollar come and take the car away and give me a new one.

With a full tank of Gas to apologise, I must add. How nice.

Hmmm, the car had a different automatic gearbox so I decided to read the manual whereby I fell upon a page talking about a brake pedal. It was then I realised that the car actually had a handbrake and there was nothing wrong with the car they took away. I got a new, clean car with a full tank of Gas.


The first time we took our son (kindergarten), we were sitting on one of the buses from the CBR to one of the parks, a family got on the bus, and one of their little ones had a strap on him, so his mom could hang onto him. My son turned to me and said ';cool, I didn%26#39;t know they had kids on leashed at Disney';. Sort of a cute story, I guess if especially your the parent!

This was very embarrasing at the moment but now I laughed at it:

When vacationing in Banff Canada, we booked a trip to Lake Minnewanka. The tour said it will leave at 10am. So we arrived a few minutes before and saw the bus leaving, so I began to run and yell to the bus driver to stop, my husband just behind me (I think he was very embarrased at me at the moment). It didn%26#39;t stop. Then I heard someone saying... ';M%26#39;am?';, and then we turned around and saw another bus (the 10am bus) parked and loaded, and it was the driver who was calling softly at us. We didn%26#39;t miss the bus! So we enter the bus laughing at the top of our lungs while all the people was staring at us!

I know it has nothing to do with Orlando, but at lot to do with travels %26amp; misfortunes!

By the way, I love Canada!!

A few years ago a story appeared in the Orlando Sentinel that I never stopped laughing at.

A patrol man near Fort Myers had done a detour to pick up a burger from his favourite place . but when he rejoined the route he was supposed to be on he found a large gator sunbathing in the middle of the road. So that it would not get harmed or cause a traffic accident, Confidently and with a lot of swank stopped the traffic so he could move the loitering offendent. With traffic at a stand still and interested audience, he walked up to it and gave it a kick to wake it up and get it moving .

But it wasn鈥檛 asleep, and had no intention of being moved along.

It whipped round quick and grabbed him by the leg. And wouldn鈥檛 let go. After a short wrestling match in the middle of the road which the officer was obviously loosing. The officer managed to draw his gun, and shot at it. As an Highway patrol officer and highly trained, this 8-10 foot long brute was only inches away and about to collect a wake up call between the eyes

But he missed and shot himself in the leg . He was now in more pain and bleeding badly. when several of the motorist came to his rescue., not the gator.

They were able to hold it still enough till the officer pumped 2 slugs into it, and the motorist then able to release the patrolman from his captive. They then had to rush him to Hospital where he stayed for a couple of weeks.

Good job he didnt meet a bull in a passage??????.

Needles to say the first objective of moving the amphibian from the highway without harming it failed .

In Gator Heaven somewhere no doubt there is the plaque with the inscription Dedicated to the Big Bad Cop that got his come up-pence and didn%26#39;t get away.

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