Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weather at End of November Disneyworld Orlando

Hi, we will be in orlando 25/11/2006 to 09/12/2006. Can anyone tell us what the weather will be like, how busy etc. Also is it better to get disney tickets before leaving UK or are better deals out there?? Thanks

Weather at End of November Disneyworld Orlando

You are going at a great time of the year. I have been to WDW myself during different times throughout the year and the end of November is my favorite. The weather when I went was gorgeous...temps were in the upper 70%26#39;s, lower 80%26#39;s and it only rained once of the two week period I was there. As for crowds, it will still be busy during the first weekend that you are there (remaining crowds from Thanksgiving), but it will slow right back down again. Also, I have always purchased my park hopper tickets in advance...I am not sure if it is a better deal or not, I just like everything being taken care of when I arrive. I hope I have been of some help.

Weather at End of November Disneyworld Orlando

Someone from the U.K. will be able to give you advise about the purchase of tickets before you leave for Orlando.

Weather should be fairly nice at that time, and as stated above, crowds will be much less after your first weekend. November 23rd is the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. and that entire weekend will probably be a zoo in the theme parks.

You will want to bring clothes you can layer, as it can get a little chilly at night, especially if there%26#39;s a breeze. Daytime should be just right - warm enough for no jacket without being hot and humid. It may rain briefly, especially if the weather gets too warm, but no all day rains.

I would plan to just relax around the pool the first day or two and let the crowds thin out. Once you get to Sunday after Thanksgiving, the crowds go way down, and you%26#39;ll enjoy the parks much more.

Should be fine but the end of Nov can also start to get a bit cool. It could be 80f or 60f for a high temp. The evening you will probally need a jacket or sweater.

Thanks for all the advice and help. Shaqaroo27.

You are going at the best time of year, in my opinion. This is when we always go! We arrive on Thanksgiving day, and use the Friday and Saturday to relax by the pool, get groceries for the villa, and rest up for the parks. The off-peak value season at Disney starts the Sunday after T-giving, so if you can wait until then to go to a park, it will be much less crowded!

Last year, the temps were in the 80%26#39;s and we only had one day of rain. We swam every day, but our pool was heated. I think the heat was good because we were able to swim at night also.

shagaroo27, I forgot to ask you if this will be your first trip to Orlando.

Also, a good site to check out is They have a ';best days'; calendar that is very helpful for planning out which parks to visit on each day. Good news: Some of the least busy days of the year will be when you (and I) are visiting Orlando!

By the way, where are you staying?

Hi Caylismom. Thanks for your advice. I have been to Orlando before but it was about 15 years ago and we went in June. I%26#39;m now taking my own kids and we are staying a villa in kissimmee.

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