Saturday, April 3, 2010

Destin Funny Stories

I posted this topic last year and it was a hit.

The first year we came to Destiin my 19 year old daughter and a young male friend of the family were walking on the beach at night. That year there was a high ridge of sand and the water was about 2 to 3 ft below in some areas. She had not been on the beach in the day time so didn%26#39;t know this. She slid head first down the ridge to the water as he continued to talk to her. When they returned to the condo she was wet sand head to toe. So much for romance.

Destin Funny Stories

2004 we are sitting at the bar in Back Porch watching the NCAA basketball tournament. My wife is wearing an Illini shirt and 2 guys start a converstion with us. (We%26#39;ve been there too long, mind you). He says he went to Missouri and his wife went to Ole Miss. I look at her feet and make a comment that she%26#39;s wearing shoes? Anyway, he thinks it%26#39;s funny and she doesn%26#39;t.

Fast forward to March 2005. We are sitting at the bar in Back Porch watching the NCAA basketball tournament (imagine that). I turn around to see the same guys and wives from last year and I floor her my stating ';I%26#39;ll bet you went to Ole Miss';. She%26#39;s stunned! Then her hubby recognizes us. Small world!

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