Saturday, April 3, 2010

San Diego Bans Smoking on the Beach

I participate in the annual beach cleanups here in Destin, our group always cleans Norriego Point. The cigarette butts along the waterline are amazing - literally thousands!

I can only hope that one day beach smoking is banned here too.…

San Diego Bans Smoking on the Beach

Amen and amen!!!

Why smokers think the beach is their own personal ashtray is beyond me.

San Diego Bans Smoking on the Beach

We were making sand castles one year on the beach and gathering shells and sticks to decorate it. When I looked at the back of it my young granddaughter had cigarette butts stuck in the castle. YUCK

I think most folks don%26#39;t realize that those little cotten fibers you see in the filters are actually a form of plastic and can take up to 10 years to decompose. But then again, the folks leaving them around are probably the same ones leaving all the soda and beer cans on the beach that I picked up while I was there! :)

Ban smoking beaches.....absolutely!

Well, dang and dad gum it! I guess I will have to stop shooting boom boxes and gators and take up shooting smokers.

WARNING: If you are smoking on the beach and see a crazed woman with a 12 guage, in a camo bikini (with matching visor) take cover!!!

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