Thursday, April 1, 2010

just back this morning

morning everyone

my girlfriend and i just arrived back home this morning and i have to say we had an amazing time even tho we%26#39;re glad to be home lol. the flight going to orlando was only 9 hours long but it seemed like days lol when we eventually got there we caught the shuttle to our hotel and quickly got settled in didnt do anything on the first night far to tired to go anywere so we just ordered a flippers (yummmmmmm!) and sat in lol

just back this morning

Hello Ger,

Glad you had a great trip!

just back this morning

I just returned from London/Italy. It%26#39;s was far worse going Fl to London than the reverse as far as jet-lag. At least London to Fl keeps you in the same day. Glad you enjoyed.


What is a flippers?

Tell us more about your trip :-)

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